*A single ticket provides entry for the entire week

ADAF — A Domestic Art Fair, is an unconventional annual fair, with the primary goal of translating artistic practices into functional ones through creation and experimentation. By doing so, ADAF aims to question the boundaries between art and design, aesthetics and function. Each edition seeks to build upon the previous, exploring new angles of domesticity. Hence, a new scenography is put forward every year, where participating artists are assigned to the creation of specific domestic objects for an atypical ephemeral exhibition.

“The psychology of living has not changed since someone came up with the clever idea of making themselves comfortable in a cave. The simple logic is: First the people shape their home, then the home shapes the people. The one determines the other, and the other the one.”Markus Peichl, September 2014.

Facebook | Instagram | info@adomesticartfair.com

ADAF 2024

A Domestic Art Fair 2024 seeks to reinterpret the concept of the Maison du Peuple through the artistic creations of Belgium-based artists. The Maison du Peuple, also known as the Volkshuis, originated in Belgium in the early 1900s. These buildings were constructed for and used by the working class, a concept that later resonated in many other nations. ADAF 2024 will feature a scenography inspired by this historical idea where 138 artists will present unique pieces to rejuvenate 22 selected rooms of Victor Horta’s ‘Maison du Peuple’ in Brussels.


19-26 September 2024

Rue d’Arlon 104
1040 Brussels



GROUND FLOOR | Façade | Tabagie | Salle de Guichet | Vestiaire | Grand Café & Salle de Café | Salle des Fêtes | Panorama

FIRST FLOOR | Petit Vestibule | Salle du Conseil | Petit Café | Salle de Banquet | Salle de Gymnastique | Atelier | Salle de Réunion | Cinéma | Archives | Bibliothèque & Salle de Lecture | Magasins | Cave | Chaufferie | Logement | Dispensaire


Abel Jallais . Adam Eder Saiti . Adrien Cavallin . Alice Janne . Alice Nataf . Alice Pandolfo . Anna Van Durme . Anne Van . Antoine Grenez . Antoine Moulinard . Arthur Badets . Arthur Desportes . Arthur Halbique . Arthur Sitoze . Aymeric Tarrade . Benjamin Durenne . Benjamin Jaubert . Bruno Brazete . Bruno Hellenbosch . Camille Corleone . Camille Gardeux . Carla Otero . Carole Mousset . Cécile Massou . Cecilia Ripesi . Cee Füllemann . Charlotte Guerlus . Charlotte Stuby & Susanne Fischer . Christina Moschou . Christophe Ferin . Claire Lezier . Clara Thomine . Clémentine Blaison Vandenhende . Cleo Chrome . Cléo Totti . David Evrard . Davide Franca . Deborah Bowmann . Dora Van Der Tak & Lenz Adriaens . Earthstone Project . Edouard Devriendt . Edouard Jattiot . Elisabeth Terrisse de Botton & Matthieu Brasebin . Élise Draux & Florent Valmassoni . Elize Charcosset & Marine Kaiser . Ella Yanez . Emil Schiegnitz . Emma Lassaigne . Emma Raymaekers . Eric Bruyneel & Pauline Marmilou . Floriana Da Silva . Franck Rausch . François Bousquet . Giammarco Falcone . Giovanni Fortenio . Giulia Vetri . Harold Cuellar & Pierrick Odaert & Rubén Aranda . Hélène Drénou . Hélène Moreau . Hhoaxx . Hugo Boutry . Ian Watson . Irina Favero-Longo . Isis Lherm . Jean Casanova Castell . Jente Fleerackers . Juliet Merie . Justine Court . Kamilė Krasauskaitė . La morsure . Lancelot Michel . Laetitia Bica . Laure Winderickx . Leitmotif BV . Lindert Steegen & Niels Raoul Boone . Lithic Alliance . L’Inconnue de la Senne . Louis Danjou & Jonnathan Marti . Louise De Buck . Louise Guerraud . Lucas Roman . Lukas Tanghe . MAASH & Coppi . Manuel Sajn . Marie Sardin . Marion Henry . Mathilde du Camp d’Orgas . Mélanie Payen . Melisa Gammarota . Mia Wallace Von Dal’z . Michael Debatty & Lisa Dellugat . Miguel Gonçalves-Alver . Miles Suarez-Piedra . Morgan Dulong . Morgane Griffoul . Nicolas Stolarczyk . Nina De Angelis . Nina Dee . Nina Petitot Mestdagh . Noa Verborgh . Paula Swinnen . Quentin Caillaud . Rémi Lambert . Rémy Tith . Robin Beauvais . Rokko Miyoshi . Romain Zacchi . Salomé Delfosse . Samuel Martial . Sandrine Astier . Sara Villa . Sarah Kerloveou . Sarah Margnetti . Sukrii Kural . Suzanne Corcessin . Sybille Deligne . Tango . Thiel E. Man . Thomas Schellenberger . Ugo Masciave . Valentin Souquet . Victor Delestre . Victoria Parvanova . Willy Le Nalbaut . Wissel Architectuur Studio . Yesul Kim

Team 2024

CurationMiguel Gonçalves-Alver
Graphic DesignAsh Lizzies
Anna Penso
Caterina Dubini
Doras Alver
Kaatje Lemaire
Editorial DesignAnna Penso
Caterina Dubini
Doras Alver
PhotographyAntoine Grenez
ScenographyCaterina Dubini
Doras Alver
Kaatje Lemaire
Lucas Roman
Miguel Gonçalves-Alver
CommunicationAsh Lizzies
Maria Figueira
VideoEmma Lassaigne
PartnershipsAsh Lizzies
Maria Figueira
Production ManagementThomas Schellenberger
CollaborationMorgan Dulong

ADAF 2023

A Domestic Art Fair 2023 featured a scenography with “Common” as the theme.

Common living experiences were one of the first instances of a design towards an inclusive society in domestic environment. ADAF 2023 aimed to explore domestic design and its role in gender equality through the pieces created by 105 Belgium-based artists.

“The history of cohousing started over two thousand years ago, when Pythagoras founded Homakoeion, a vegetarian commune, based on intellectualism, mysticism and the equality of the sexes.” (Meltzer, 2006)


15-18 June 2023

Studio CityGate
Rue des Goujons 152
1070 Anderlecht




Abel Jallais | Fireplace
Alice Janne | Trestle
Alice Pandolfo | Hanging bench
Anna Van Durme | Chair
Antoine Carbonne | Table cloth
Antoine Grenez | Mirror ball
Antoinette Dansembourg | Floor lamp
Antonin Kremer | Book shelf
Arthur Desportes | DJ booth

Arthur Halbique | Bedside table
Aurèle His Belliard | Lounge chair

Aymeric Tarrade | Pendant light
Benjamin Jaubert | Bathrobe
Benjamin Volckaerts | Big couch

Bhadar International & COCO-MAT.Bike | Bike
Bruno Hellenbosch | Workboard
Carlín Díaz | Coat hanger
Carole Mousset | Table
Cee Füllemann | Chessboard
Celina Vleugels | Screen
Cérà | Candle
Chanoirs | Game
Charlotte Stuby & Susanne Fischer | Curtain
Clara Thomine | Coffee table
Cléo Totti | Bedside table
Daphnae Bay | Carpet
David Evrard | Barstool
Deborah Bowmann | Coat rack

Diego Thielemans

& Benjamin De Backer | Pendant light
Earthstone Project | Coffee table
Edito Masse | Lounge chair
Elize Charcosset | Barstool
Emil Schiegnitz | Chair
Emma Lassaigne | Bed & Screen
Esteph | Pendant light
Félix Gastout | Stool

Florent Valmassoni | Vase
Floriana Da Silva | Book holder
Franck Rausch | Ashtray
François Bousquet | Reading light

François De Jonge | Bed
Giammarco Falcone | Mirror
Giovanni Fortenio | Vase
Giulia Vetri | Vase
Grou Serra

& Milosz Martyniak | Vanity station
Harold Lechien | Shelf
Hélène Moreau | Lounge chair
Ian Watson | Chair

Irina Favero-Longo | Key holder & Coat hanger & Dishcloth holder
Isis Lherm | Carpet
Jean Casanova Castell | Bench
Juliet Merie | Mini-bar
Juliette Cazalic | Shoes rack
Kamilė Krasauskaité | Curtain
Laetitia Bica | Curtain
Lindert Steegen

& Niels Raoul Boone | Ashtray & Cabinet & Vase
Lithic Alliance | Planter
Louis Danjou

& Jonnathan Marti | Vanity
Lucas Roman | Soap & Soap Holder
Manuel Sajn | Wall light
Marie Sardin | Cutting board
Martynas Gailiusas | Laundry basket
Melanie Payen | Growing system
Melisa Gammarota | Stool
Mia Wallance Von Dalz

& Nina Dee | Heater
Miguel Gonçalves-Alver

& Wissel Architectuur Studio | Bar counter
Miles Suarez-Piedra | Pendant light

Milka Kongi | Bench
Naïmé Perrette | Light
Nina Petitot Mestdagh | Garbage bin
Noa Verborgh | Reading bench
Quentin Caillaud | Coffee table & stools
Rachel Magnan | Neon light
Rémi Lambert | Book shelf
Rémy Tith | Speaker
Rik Peeters | Game
Rokko Miyoshi | Chair
Romain Zacchi | Growing light
Salomé Delfosse | Pendant light
Sandrine Astier | Pendant light

Sara Villa | Long bench

Sarah & Charles | Fountain
Sarah Margnetti | Mattress

Shankar Lestréhan | Light

Sukrii Kural | Bed cover
Sybille Deligne | Candle rack
Théo Boissonade | Mirror
Thiel E. Man | Arm chair
Thomas Schellenberger | Hammer
Tommie | Napkin
Valentin Souquet | Radio
Victor Delestre | Watering can
Victoria Parvanova | Big pillow
Yen Proesmans | Table
Yesul Kim | Growing light


Atelier | Bar | Bedsroom | Dressing | Eatingroom | Gameroom | Growroom | Heat The Room | Library | Music Hall | Projection Room | Wetroom

Team 2023

ScenographyADAF 2023 Team
Graphic DesignAngelo Dorasoglu Marseille & Candice Witpas
Editorial DesignAnna Penso & Caterina Dubini
PhotographyAntoine Grenez
CoordinationAsh Lizzies & Doras Alver & Miguel Gonçalves-Alver
CommunicationAsh Lizzies & Maria Figueira
VideoEmma Lassaigne
BeerLa Jungle
Production ManagementMaria Figueira & Thomas Schellenberger
CurationMiguel Gonçalves-Alver
CollaborationMorgan Dulong & Kaatje Lemaire
LocationStudio CityGate
TalkMoussa Cheniguel & Lydia Karagiannaki
WebThéo Boissonade

ADAF 2022

A Domestic Art Fair 2022 took place at LaVallée (Brussels, Belgium) from 2 to 5 June 2022. The exhibition featured the works of 74 Belgian-based artists, who were asked to create a domestic object specifically for the occasion.




Hall | Kitchen | Diningroom | Livingroom | Bathroom | Bedroom | Guestroom | Wintergarden


Bed sheets
Bedside lamps
Clothes rack
Coat hanger
Coffee table
Cutlery set
Floor lamp
Front door
Fruit basket
Huge pillow

Nesting tables
Peeling knife
Pendant lamps
Shower curtain
Soap dish
Toilet brush
Toilet paper holder
Wall lights
Wall mat
Wall shelf
Watering can

TEAM 2022

AD CommunicationAlliage & Clément Horard
Graphic designerAngelo Dorasoglu
PhotoAntoine Grenez
TexteCoraline Guilbeau
FoodDindins Club
ScenographyM. Doras Alver & Caterina Dubini & Antonin Kremer
TalkGiulia Ricci and David Evrard
BeerLa Jungle
CurationMiguel Gonçalves-Alver & Morgan Dulong
CollaborationNicolas Zanoni
WebThéo Boissonade



ADAF is the brainchild of Miguel Gonçalves-Alver, Morgan Dulong and Doras Alver, two artists and an architect whose respective concerns and practices navigate between the fields of art and design. The artists selected for each edition are largely from a wide circle of shared acquaintances or interests. The practices are varied, and it is this heterogeneity of approaches that allows to support the sensitivity of a look at a particular object.

A general idea is tend to define design as the conception of objects characterized by their utility, their function. This precision is important because one of the requests formulated by ADAF to the invited artists is precisely that the designed object must be “functional”, and thus respond to the use that is presupposed and expected of it. A condition (a challenge?) that a majority of the artists are not in the habit of taking into account when it comes to creating their own works.

Each piece created by featuring artists for the fair remains unique. An object speaks, it charms, it is a system of signs. We choose an object for personal, emotional, cultural reasons. The emotional bond that is thus established between the user and the object gives it a form of value, a value of esteem. With annual events, ADAF would like to question these different values ​​(commercial, symbolic, emotional) that we give to the objects exhibited and to the spaces that stage them. Will visitors come to see art works or design objects? An exhibition or a market? What happens to an art object when it is “used” in the first degree, in everyday, purely functional use? It is about opening up possibilities, playing on several perspectives, digging into different depths.



Miguel Gonçalves-Alver




Ash Lizzies
